The three services currently offered by Companies House (WebFiling, Web Check and Companies House Direct) are to be combined into one ‘The Companies House Service’. They will be removing the subscription based service to a free of charge service. The annual return will be replaced with a click and confirm return. The grant of access to all documents including mortgage charges will become free of charge. They will update their website to a more user friendly interface to enable searching for information much quicker and easier.
The Annual Return
The annual return which is required to be submitted on an annual basis by limited companies is set to change.
Currently directors or secretaries are required to follow a number of questions on the Companies House website to ensure that the following information is correct:
- Principal business activities
- Type of company, i.e.- Public/ Private
- Registered Office
- SAIL Address ( Single Alternate Inspection Location)- Alternate place where records are held
- Details of Company Secretaries, shareholders and company directors
Under the new changes the process will become much quicker and simpler. The changes which will come into effect in April 2016, will replace the annual return with a ‘check and confirm statement’. Currently companies are required to include the amount of paid up and unpaid shares, this requirement will be removed. Instead they will be required to specify the total amount unpaid on the total number of shares issued.
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